Learn communication skills that lead to satisfying relationships, fewer conflicts, and peace.

Learn communication skills that lead to satisfying relationships, fewer conflicts, and peace.


Out beyond the ideas of right doing and wrongdoing there is a field, I will meet you there.


My life’s out of control.

Another relationship ends. Another bridge burnt. A fight at work. Another job loss. You turn to liquor or drugs. You blame others. You blame yourself. You’re “losing your cool, again”. You isolate. You go on a bender. You are in pain and everyone else around you feels it too. Your sleeping is erratic. The relationships with your kids and your spouse are falling apart. Life feels out of control and you’re not sure how much longer you can go on like this. The feelings of anger, depression, guilt, and sadness are overwhelming.

You are not alone.

There is help available to you right now.  You can …

  • Stop behaving in ways that don’t get what you want.
  • Learn how to make peace with and gain acceptance of yourself and others.
  • Learn a new set of skills to navigate sticky conflict situations.
  • Get a new perspective on recurring conflicts and how to fix them.
  • Learn how to move away from your “go to” patterns of fight, flight, or freeze.
  • Begin how to listen skillfully and without judgement.
  • Bring genuine authentic peace into your life.
Contact Marla Now

We will walk with you from a feeling of not enough to a mindset of abundance, self-compassion, harmony, caring and compassion for others. 


Reach Out

We gotcha! We’ll help you assess what offers meet your needs right now.



Sign up for one-on-one coaching right now, or an upcoming workshop that best suits your need and schedule.


Enjoy Peace

Of mind. And peaceful relationships with others.

At MJardine Consulting we know you want to have great relationships with yourself, friends, family, clients, and work colleagues. To do that you need to learn the language of communication. The problem is, few of us are taught how to communicate in a healthy way. Instead, you have learned to communicate in ways that make you feel trapped, disheartened, angry and fearful. We understand you want to fix the relationship with yourself and with others which is why we have developed a unique communication program to repair, restore and enhance the quality of the relationships most important to you. So, we invite you to take the next step and book a one-on-one communication session, join an evening, or weekend workshop or invite us to work with your team in-house. So now you can stop blaming yourself and others and instead become a self-assured, clear communicator you know you want to be!

Contact Marla Now

Session Schedules

Compassionate Communication:
The Wonderful World of Re-Connection, Post-Covid

2 full-day sessions
Location: Duncan, BC

Investment: $495

** Please reach out for future availability. **

[PDF Handout]

Contact Marla Now

NVC practice group (online)

12, consecutive Thursday evenings
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Via Zoom

Investment: $395

All persons who have completed the Introduction NVC training with MJardine Consulting or elsewhere are welcome to attend. You will require a high-speed internet connection, microphone, camera, private and quiet space to participate in these sessions.

Contact Marla Now

Introduction to nonviolent communication (online)

12, consecutive Tuesday evenings
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Via Zoom

Investment: $395

You will require a high-speed internet connection, microphone, camera, private and quiet space to participate in these sessions. All persons you have completed the Introduction NVC training with MJardine Consulting or elsewhere are welcome to attend; maximum group size is 12-15.

Contact Marla Now
Explore Opportunities

We understand how difficult it can be to live peacefully with everyone around us.  At times in our lives there are difficult people, circumstances and events that bog us down and block us from being the person we want to be in each of these trying instances.  Our trained Nonviolent Communication facilitator knows how a tangled web of life events can restrict us and cut us off from being our true selves.  You will be guided through one-on-one sessions, or workshops with others to explore the steps to resolving and repairing broken hearts, dashed expectations and failing relationships.

One-On-One Coaching

For those looking for immediate intensive support, we will work directly with you. Together you will tackle the big hurdles and get you breathing and functioning peacefully. Coaching sessions for now are delivered via Zoom; in-person coaching is available for those fully Covid-19 vaccinated.

Explore Opportunities

Team Coaching

We help you create a healthier workplace for teams who feel broken (perhaps even toxic) by fostering goodwill, curiosity, acceptance, and kindness towards each other. We identify and heal wounds, judgements, stories, patterns of behavior, and painful communication. The Team Coaching package consists of one-hour individual team members sessions (maximum 12 persons in a Team), a four-day intensive Team-Building Training, followed by individual check-in’s once a month for 12 months plus an All-Team Day session at 3, 6 and 12 months. Coaching sessions are now delivered via Zoom; “in-house” coaching sessions will be offered again soon.

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Executive Coaching

Working in private, one-on-one sessions with all levels of executives, from the newly minted manager to the seasoned CEO/COO. Executive Coaching is for high powered individuals who are willing to commit to working toward healing, repairing, and restoring their relationship with self, their families, and their teams. You are inspired to commit to this journey for a minimum of six sessions. Coaching sessions for now are delivered via Zoom.

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Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Introductory Workshops

We teach the fundamentals of peaceful communications that restore relationships and bring energy, focus and life back to everyday living.  Together, we will explore Marshall Rosenberg’s “Language of Life” in an introduction to the basics of the Nonviolent Communication model.  Introductory workshops are available in 8-week, 2-hour sessions via Zoom; a maximum of 12 participants are in attendance.

Explore Opportunities